Roan prize winners
Survey winner season 2024 known:
We have received back almost all completed surveys from our guests. With your comments and / or additions we can work again to further improve our product and offer. As every year we have chosen a survey winner. The winner this year is family Hendriks!
You win: 1 week free vacation for the season 2025.
Prize winner of the Roan photo frame has been announced:
1st prize of €1250,- is for Niek and Vera
2nd prize of €750,- is for family Keizers
3rd prize of €500,- is for family Fischer
Newsletter winner season 2024 is known:
Jeroen Kramer wins a Roan holiday cheque worth €250 to be used for a camping holiday in 2025.
The prize winner of the hanging chair and holiday package 2024 has been announced:
Ellen Uffing-Bruens, congratulations on your prize won!
The prize winner of the 2024 Valentine win campaign has been announced:
Lian wins a long weekend at camping Le Chene Gris to be spent in 2024.
Newsletter winner season 2024 is known:
Family Sterk wins a Roan vacation voucher worth € 250,- to be used for a camping vacation in 2024.
The winners of the coloring pages action 2023:
Family van Seggelen wins a Roan vacation voucher worth € 1000,- to use for a camping vacation in 2024.
Family Dietz wins a Roan vacation voucher worth € 500,- to be used for a camping vacation in 2024.
Family Stacey wins a'Roan vacation voucher worth € 250 ,- to be used for a camping vacation in 2024.
Survey winner season 2023 known:
We have received back almost all completed surveys from our guests. With your comments and / or additions we can work again to further improve our product and offer. As every year we have chosen a survey winner. The winner this year is family Mulder! You win: 1 week free vacation for the summer season 2023.
The winner of the survey 'Sustainability at Roan':
Family Berkhout wins a Roan vacation voucher worth € 250 to use for a camping vacation in 2021.
The winner of the survey ' Brochure improvements':
Family Wagt wins a Roan vacation voucher worth € 250,- to be used for a camping vacation in 2021.
The winner of the Roan vacation survey:
Family Schuit wins 1 week free vacation for the 2021 summer season.
The winner of the 'Supreme Lounge' survey:
Family van den Berg wins a Roan vacation voucher worth €250 to be used for a camping vacation in 2022.
The winner of the 'Valentine Facebook' competition:
Family Rutten wins a Roan vacation voucher worth € 250 to be used for a camping vacation in 2022.
The winner of the survey 'accommodation' competition:
Family Post wins a Roan vacation voucher worth € 500 to use for a camping vacation in 2022.
The winners ofthe Easter action 2022:
Family Leenders & Family van Maren win a luxury Easter breakfast for 4!
The winner of the Father's Day action:
Family Vermeulen wins the BBQ package worth €150.
The winner of the Friesland package:
Family Gertner wins a fully catered Friesland-arrangement.
The winner of the Roan summer win action:
Family van Steijn wins a Roan vacation voucher worth €1000,- to be used for a camping vacation in 2023.
The winner of the long weekend away to camping Het Genieten:
Family Verhagen van Kaathoven.
The winner of the Easter action 2023!
Family Broeders, congratulations!
Congratulations to all winners and enjoy your prize!